Weekend Update: 6-7 June


Here’s a quick recap of the weekend:


We kicked off the weekend at breakfast with Dr. Stinner (Christy’s head ortho) about exciting opportunities for Jess! (I’ll let her tell you about that.) Breakfast was at this place called Lulu’s, which has been on Man vs. Food for its 3lb cinnamon roll (more like 5-6lbs), which Christy ordered and between the four of us only got through about half.

Following our week’s sugar intake, we went to a few car dealerships for some preliminary car research/exploration.  Jess and Christy had wanted to do this when there was a guy in town but they would have been fine on their own; Christy can really put her foot down when it comes to pushy car salesmen. Bad joke.

Jake H. (Big Jake) drove down from Sheppard AFB and helped us with the car examinations, after which we chilled for a bit, played horseshoes (Team J Wise 2-0), I rolled Christy’s handcycle while setting the land speed record for a dirt track (the physics still don’t make sense to us), visited with Brian who was driving through, and then went to Alamo Drafthouse for some food, melkshakes, and Pitch Perfect 2!


Fueled up with chocolate chip pancakes, we headed to church for some worship.  Following the service a little girl, Eva, came up and started talking with Christy.  One of the snippets I caught of their conversation was deeply profound in it’s simplicity:

Eva: “Are you scared?”

Christy: “Yes.  Well, not anymore.  I just have to learn to walk with a plastic leg, it’s like how you have to learn anything else new.” 

Big Jake headed back to Sheppard after church so we bid him a safe drive and went to the grocery.  Once we got back to the Fisher House, Jess and I made a pretty sweet cup holder for Christy’s crutches from two koozies, some medical tape, a sewing kit, and Jess’ expert seamstress-ing (it’s a word).  Another of Christy’s friends Dave (who now for flies for Southwest) came and visited for a bit, talking pilot and catching up!


– Christy’s phantom pains are lessening!  Still there, but not with the same frequency.

– God is working through this situation, hopefully opening opportunities for Jess!

– Christy’s sickness from last weekend is totally gone and she’s back to kicking butt at PT!

Concerns /  Requests

– A small part of Christy’s wound from the final surgery has re-opened, potentially delaying practice with her new leg and swimming; pray for healing

– Christy still is having a hard time sleeping and not really sure why; pray for sleep

– Learning to walk again isn’t easy; pray for patience

– Pray that Jess will be able to do her rotations/research in SA!
As always, thank you so much for letters, gifts, phone calls, CDs, books, visits, and most importantly, prayers!

– (Little) Jake



A Jake Sandwich is the best kind of sandwich


Eva and Christy (totes adorbs I think is what the kids say these days)


This is Christy drying her hair by sticking her head out of the car.  Actually pretty effective ha

3 thoughts on “Weekend Update: 6-7 June

  1. Thanks Little Jake for the update.

    So nice to see you guys and feel the encouragement–my take is this site is a Spirit driver for many of us, and those that participate in authorship are a key part of the blessing, so we thank you.

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  2. Christy, as one who has not had the best “sleep life” ever I empathize with you on the snooze thing. And I haven’t found much to help it but it does afford the opportunity to pray for everyone and everything when I wake up at all times…of course, you are the one I pray for first and most. As the time of this wears on and the “novelty ” of it fades always know that I will think of you constantly and pray for you always. Ever your friend and admirer, Papa Fur

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